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Call for Morningview Homes Association Board Candidates

The Morningview Homes Association meets four times a year to make decisions on the annual homeowner's fee (covering primarily garbage pickup), to schedule other activities (neighborhood block party, neighborhood garage sale), and to address concerns of neighbors within the Morningview neighborhood. Additionally, for communication with all members of the neighborhood, the board maintains a website, a Facebook page, an email list, and publishes a quarterly newsletter.

Elections for the 2022 board will be held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at the 7 PM board meeting with officers elected at the same time. All board positions, including officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) are now open for nominations.

We are interested in candidates for all positions, and especially those with skills needed to serve as website manager. If interested in serving your neighborhood association, please contact the board at by Monday, October 19, 2021. Self-nominations (that is, volunteering is encouraged).

Brian Hogsett

Board President

Jami Lobell

Board Vice President

4th of July Week Trash Delay

GFL Environmental (our subdivision trash service) has given us the statement below regarding our WCA trash service: Attention: As a...


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